World Wetlands Day is a global awareness campaign that spotlights the critical importance of these richly biodiverse and productive ecosystems. Every 2 February, the campaign calls on nations – and everyone everywhere – to protect our planet’s wetlands. It reminds us that healthy wetlands are essential for our universal wellbeing and long-term survival. This year’s campaign centers on the theme “Protecting Wetlands for Our Common Future.”
Information materials to support outreach activities for World Wetlands Day on 2 February 2025 are available to download online at
Key campaign messages:
• Protecting the world’s wetlands is in our common interest – it safeguards us all.
• The future of humanity depends on bold action today to protect and restore these indispensable ecosystems.
• COP15 unites us in the global effort to promote wetland conservation and ensure the continuity of their benefits.
Healthy wetlands are critical for climate mitigation, adaptation, biodiversity and human health. Yet, unsustainable development, pollution and climate change continue to threaten these essential ecosystems. Protecting wetlands for our common future requires collabora - tion on policies, regulations and community initiatives that spur effective conservation and sustainable wise use. Ensuring the health of the world’s wetlands will allow future genera - tions to enjoy their ecological, economic and cultural benefits – and foster a sustainable, prosperous future for all.
The UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration is a call for the protection and revival of ecosystems around the world. It runs from 2021 to 2030.
World Wetlands Day 2025 is of particular significance, as it coincides with the 15th Meeting of the Conference of the Contracting Parties to the Convention on Wetlands (COP15). Every three years, representatives of the governments of each of the Contracting Parties meet to facilitate crucial discussions on the conservation and sustainable use of wetlands and to agree on a work program for the next three years. Zimbabwe is the global conservation arena for COP15 – scheduled for 23-31 July 2025 in Victoria Falls under the same theme as World Wetlands Day 2025: “Protecting Wetlands for Our Common Future.” The Republic of Zimbabwe, Ministry of Environment, Climate, Tourism and Hospitality Industry is the key partner for both COP15 and World Wetlands Day 2025.
“Wherever land meets water, life abounds. Wetlands exist in every corner of this beautiful planet and have often been referred to as the arteries and veins of the Earth. Majestic and mighty, wetlands are a sight to behold. They support critical ecosystems and biodiversity; in fact, 40% of all plant and animal species live or breed in wetlands. They are crucial to agriculture and fisheries. They act as water sources and purifiers, and they protect our shores. Peatland wetlands are the planet’s greatest natural carbon stores.”
— Dr. Musonda Mumba, Secretary General of the Convention on Wetlands
Be a part of the solution by making a proactive effort and sharing your stories of wetland conservation with the Secretariat and others. Visit the website to explore the resources in support of World Wetlands Day and its mission. Follow the celebrations across our social media platforms. Please join the WWD 2025 with activities connected with the Carpathian Wetland Initiative and let us know!
Report on the International Training Course on River and Wetland Restoration, Czech Republic, 2024
The recent training course, hosted by the Elbe River Authority and organised within the framework of the Carpathian Wetland Initiative of the Ramsar Convention, built on more than thirty years of experience in wetland management training courses organised in Central and Eastern Europe (CEE). The first courses were developed and run by the International Waterfowl and Wetlands Research Bureau, later transformed to Wetlands International, and organised in various countries of the CEE region. Since 1997, these training courses have been organised in the Czech Republic.
The training course on River and Wetland Restoration was held in Hradec Králové at the invitation of the Elbe River Authority (in Czech Povodí Labe), from 6 to 11 October 2024. It addressed restoration of various types of wetlands. Amongst them were projects on restoration of streams and rivers implemented by the Elbe River Authority, a state enterprise responsible for management of rivers in the Elbe River Basin. The restoration projects visited included restoration of dead river arms and oxbow lakes that were cut off from the river as a result of the river channelization, restoration of alluvial pools, and restoration of streams within urban settlements. During the course, technical designs of restoration projects were presented as well as the impacts of restoration measures on water flows, water quality and biodiversity.
Other wetland types and their restoration addressed were fishponds – man-made wetlands constructed in Middle Age for freshwater fish production. As an integral part of the Czech landscape, fishponds play an important role not only in fish production but also in terms of water retention in the landscape and if managed wisely are rich in biodiversity of macrophytes, aquatic insects, amphibians and water birds.
The course was attended by 16 participants from the countries of the Carpathian region – the Czech Republic, Hungary, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia and Ukraine. Highly appreciated was the participation of the representative of the Ramsar Secretariat, Flore Lafaye de Micheaux – Senior Advisor for Europe.
Thanks go to the course organisers: Libuše Vlasáková, Ministry of the Environment of the Czech Republic, Martina Eiseltová, Centre for Theoretical Study of the Charles University and the Czech Academy of Sciences, and Michal Vávra, the Elbe River Authority, state enterprise.
Acknowledged is also the financial support provided by the Ministry of the Environment of the Czech Republic.
We invite you for the fifth edition of the International Course on River and Wetland Restoration, organised this year by the Ministry of the Environment of the Czech Republic and the Centre for Theoretical Studies in cooperation with the Czech Ramsar Committee, the Carpathian Wetland Initiative and the Elbe River Water Authority, in the Elbe River basin wetland systems in the Czech Republic, 7 – 11 October 2024.
Main topics of the course will be as follows:
• Wetland restoration (goals, measures and techniques, monitoring and evaluation)
• Experience with project planning and implementation
• Public awareness and public involvement
For more information: click here [pdf]
Application Form: click here [doc]
Information materials to support outreach activities for World Wetlands Day on 2 February 2024 are available to download online at
Wetlands and human wellbeing is the theme for World Wetlands Day 2024. This year’s campaign spotlights how interconnected wetlands and human life are with people drawing sustenance, inspiration and resilience from these productive ecosystems. The theme for 2024 underscores how all aspects of human wellbeing are tied to the health of the world’s wetlands. Every wetland matters. Every effort counts.
Human wellbeing is irrevocably tied to the state of the world’s wetlands. But they must be healthy if they are to continue to provide us with water and food, support biodiversity, provide livelihoods, protect against extreme weather events, and mitigate against climate change. Hence, the campaign highlights three main messages which we invite you to adapt and share them widely.
• Investing in the sustainable use of wetlands means investing in the future of humanity.
• Wetlands can provide cities and their residents with multiple economic, social and cultural benefits that support human wellbeing.
• Wetland restoration is essential to overcoming the climate-biodiversity crisis and to delivering the Sustainable Development Goals for the benefit of all people.
Visit the website to explore the resources in support of World Wetlands Day and its mission to underscore the vital connection between wetlands and human wellbeing.
Please join the WWD 2024 with activities connected with the Carpathian Wetland Initiative and let us know!
Report of the International Training on Wetland Restoration in the Czech Republic 2023
A new edition of the five-day training courses on wetland restoration was held between the 2nd and 6th October 2023 in the Czech Republic, with a focus on restoration of mires affected by drainage, peatlands after peat extraction, drained spring areas and channelized or piped small streams.
The course was organised in support of the implementation of Ramsar Convention Resolutions adopted at COP8, COP12, COP13 and COP14 (listed below) and of the Work Plan of the Carpathian Wetland Rarmsar Regional Initiative:
Resolution VIII.34: Agriculture, wetlands and water resource management
Resolution XII.9: The Ramsar Convention’s Programme on communication, capacity building, education, participation and awareness (CEPA) 2016-2024
Resolution XIII.19: Sustainable Agriculture in Wetlands
Resolution XIV.7: Ramsar Regional Initiatives
The course was this year again organised by Libuše Vlasáková from the Ministry of the Environment of the Czech Republic, in collaboration with Martina Eiseltová, member of the Czech Ramsar Committee, who works for the Center for Theoretical Studies of the Charles University and Ján Kadlečík from the Carpathian Wetland Initiative (CWI), State Nature Conservation Agency of the Slovak Republic. Financial support was provided by the Ministry of the Environment of the Czech Republic and the CWI.
The course was attended by 10 participants from countries of the Carpathian region and Central Europe, including two colleagues from international NGO based in Austria, and one participant from Colombia.
During the course participants visited on-going restoration projects in three Czech Ramsar sites: Šumava mires, Springs and mires of the Slavkovský les Forest, and Mires of Krušné hory Mountains.
The course was dominated by practical demonstrations in the field supplemented by theoretical lectures in the evenings presenting the broader aspects of the restoration projects, project planning and designs, monitoring data on hydrology of the sites, vegetation changes, etc. All the course participants were given an opportunity to present projects that they are involved in within their organisations.
Big thanks go to the guides of the field excursions and lecturers: Ivana Bufková, Lukáš Linhart (Šumava National Park), Přemysl Tájek (Slavkovský les Forest Protected Landscape Area) and Vladimír Melichar (Krušné hory Mires). We thank also to all participants for their dedication and interest.
The course was very well received and thanks to an overwhelming interest we expect to convene a similar course in the coming years.
Key presentation on wetlands restoration in the Šumava NP and presentations of participants you can find here:
- LIFE for MIRES Ramsar Training October 2023 (I. Bufková)
- CWI Training CZ October 2023 (J. Kadlečík)
- Ecohydrological restoration peatlands in the Carpathians (P. Polák)
- Restoration of wetlands Danube River (A. Kušíková)
- Wetlands restoration in PLA Kysuce (Z. Vaclavová)
- Wetlands Protection in Poland (A. Borucka)
- Peatlands in Orawa - Nowy Targ Basin (Ewelina Zając)
- Presentation ALFAwetlands (I. Shchoka)
- BiodiverCities (María Mejía)
Photos from the training and study tour are here:
- Lecture in Sumava NP (Photo Ján Kadlečík)
- Lecture in the field (Photo Zuzana Vaclavová)
- Lecture in the field 2 (Photo Zuzana Vaclavová)
- Lecture in the field 3 (Photo Zuzana Vaclavová)
- Participants presentations (Photo Zuzana Vaclavová)
- Participants presentations 2 (Photo Zuzana Vaclavová)
- Peatland restoration in Sumava NP (Photo Ján Kadlečík)
- Peatland restoration 2 (Photo Ján Kadlečík)
- Presentation on CWI (Photo Zuzana Vaclavová)
- Training participants in Krusne Hory Mts (Photo EWS)
- Training participants in Sumava NP (Photo EWS)
CWI at COP7 of the Carpathian Convention
The Carpathian Wetland Initiative (CWI) was active at the 7th Meeting of the Conference of the Parties (COP7) to the Carpathian Convention, 11 – 13 October 2023 in Belgrade, Serbia. The Convention celebrated 20th anniversary of signing the Convention with numerous high representatives of governments, international and intergovernmental institutions, including Secretary General of the Ramsar Convention present. The COP adopted Carpathian Biodiversity Framework, supporting the implementation of the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework at the Carpathian level. Serbia as the new presidency of the Convention for 2023 - 2026, announced its priority to address the triple planetary crisis of climate change, biodiversity loss, and plastic pollution, with a special emphasis on wetlands, protected areas, which shall be strengthened by transborder and interregional cooperation and closer relations with the European Union. Announced was also the wish of the environment ministers of Romania and Serbia to establish transborder Ramsar Site on both sides of the Danube River - the Iron Gates (Romania) and the Djerdap (Serbia).
The Carpathian Wetland Initiative presented in the COP7 plenary its activities since the last COP of the Carpathian Convention during years 2021 – 2023. The CWI and its partners were present also at the Carpathian Expo – the COP7 event promoting projects and activities relevant for the Carpathian Convention, facilitating exchange and networking among stakeholders and brainstorming about future projects. In cooperation with the Slovak State Nature Conservancy and DAPHNE – Institute of Applied Ecology was presented the project Ecohydrological Restoration of Peatlands in the Carpathians, and Wetlands International – European Association presented Natural Sponge Restoration in Europe.
CWI cooperation with the Carpathian Convention was highlighted in speeches in High-level segment of COP7 and plans for further collaboration are included in relevant decisions and documents adopted at COP.
More information on the COP7 of the Carpathian Convention you can find here.
Presentation of CWI activities at COP7. (Photo:Michaela Mrázová)
Secretary General of the Ramsar Convention Dr. M. Mumba at CC COP7. (Photo:Ján Kadlečík)
The CWI and partners at Carpathian Expo.
The CWI booth at Carpathian Expo with Wetlands International. (Photo:Ján Kadlečík)
Transborder Ramsar Site Iron Gates (Romania) and Djerdap (Serbia). (Photo:Ján Kadlečík)
Transborder Ramsar Site Iron Gates (Romania) and Djerdap (Serbia). (Photo:Ján Kadlečík)
Proposal for a new Ramsar Regional Initiative submitted
Our partner, the DANUBEPARKS Association worked hard on the proposal for the new Ramsar Regional Initiative (RRI) “Danube WILDisland”, which was developed in consultation with members of the DANUBEPAKS network of protected areas and with the support of the Carpathian Wetland Initiative. The well-developed and detailed application of the Danube WILDisland RRI was submitted to the Ramsar Convention Secretariat at the end of September 2023 for consideration by the Ramsar Standing Committee. The proposal was presented to members at the General Assembly of the DANUBEPARKS Association on 5 October 2023 in Lipót, Hungary and future perspectives of the Danube Wild Island RRI were discussed. We look forward to close cooperation between our two initiatives.
DANUBEPARKS Association General Assembly (Photo:Ján Kadlečík)
CWI coordinator Ján Kadlečík acknowledged for long-term cooperation with DANUBEPARKS (Photo:DANUBEPARKS)
Ján Kadlečík acknowledged for long-term cooperation with DANUBEPARKS (Photo:DANUBEPARKS)
We participated also at the workshop of partners of the project LIFE WILDisland - The Danube Wild Island Habitat Corridor (LIFE20 NAT/AT/000063) held between 5 and 7 October 2023 in Hungary (Fertő-Hanság National Park and Szigetköz) and Slovakia (Veľký Lél Island). The project aims to conserve the priority EU Habitats Directive habitat type 91E0* (‘Alluvial forests with Alnus glutinosa and Fraxinus excelsior’) by way of coordinated, Danube-wide conservation and restoration actions for the Danube islands. More information about the LIFE WILDisland project:
Excursion on Danube islands (Photo:Ján Kadlečík)
Excursion on restoration sites of Danube islands (Photo:Ján Kadlečík)
6th International Conference Water Resources and Wetlands
The 6th international conference Water Resources and Wetlands took place between 13 and 17 September 2023 in the Romanian city of Tulcea, which lies on the Danube River in the immediate vicinity of the wetland of international importance – the Danube Delta.
The conference programme included the presentation of outputs or partial results of various national and international projects focused on water resources and wetlands, especially in Europe.
The conference itself was opened by the president of the Romanian Limnogeographical Association, Mr. Petre Gâştescu, followed by many important officials and representatives of national and foreign institutions, research institutes, universities and non-governmental organizations.
The conference topics included:
- Connectivity of inland waters
- River and lake ecosystem ecology
- Climate change and water resources
- Coastal environment versus deltas and wetlands
- Remote sensing and GIS - support for the monitoring of inland waters
- Microplastics in water and the environment versus aquatic microbiology
The participants had opportunity to visit the Danube Delta by boat during the excursion organized on Saturday 16 September. Conference participants received a book of abstracts.
The Carpathian Wetland Initiative (CWI) was represented by Mrs. Libuše Vlasáková of the Czech Ministry of Environment (MoE CZ) who had a poster and a presentation on the subject of the International Training Courses on Wetlands which are organized by the MoE CZ in cooperation with members of the Czech Ramsar Committee and the CWI, especially for representatives from the countries of the Carpathian region. The presentation was received with great interest. The poster in PDF is here.
The international Jury for the 16th edition of the International Triennial Exhibition and Contest of Posters on the Topics of Nature Conservation and Environment EKOPLAGÁT ´23, after viewing the exhibition with 246 posters of 145 authors from 25 countries on 27 September 2023, in Považská Gallery of Arts in Žilina, Slovakia, decided to award the prizes that are described in more details here.
The CARPATHIAN WETLAND INITIATIVE as co-organizer of the EKOPLAGÁT awarded
DLHOPOLČEK Peter, Slovak Republic, for a series of 3 posters:
Climate Crisis 1-3, 2023.
The exhibition was opened to the public on September 28 and will last until November 11, 2023.
We invite you for the new edition of the International Course on Wetland Restoration (organised by the Ministry of the Environment of the Czech Republic in cooperation with the Czech Ramsar Committee and the Carpathian Wetland Initiative, Czech Republic. 2 – 6 October 2023).
The deadline for the application is prolonged until 17 July 2023.
More information: click here [pdf]
Application Form: click here [doc]
Registration for the 16th EKOPLAGÁT ´23 ŽILINA is open
The Carpathian Wetland Initiative is a co-organizer of the International triennial exhibition and contest of posters on the topics of nature conservation and environment EKOPLAGÁT. Registration for the 16th edition of EKOPLAGÁT ´23 is now open.
Please contact your professional designers, artists, art agencies, teams of authors, environmental organisations and institutions and students from the art schools and inform about the possibility to register with their works until 5 June 2023 at The best poster on the topics of water / wetlands will be awarded by the CWI.
More details on the current edition, including Regulations and Competition Rules of EKOPLAGÁT can be found here
The Carpathian Wetland Initiative (CWI) participated at the 14th Meeting of the Conference of the Contracting Parties to the Ramsar Convention on Wetlands (COP14), which was held between 5 and 13 November 2022 in Geneva, Switzerland. The delegates of the COP14 adopted inter alia the new resolution on Ramsar Regional Initiatives, providing also the updated Operational Guidelines for Ramsar Regional Initiatives. Ramsar Regional Initiatives (RRIs) had important position at the COP and organized series of meetings and side events.
The representatives of RRIs had an opportunity to meet with the new Secretary General Dr. Musonda Mumba for a brief introduction on 4th November. The Secretary General expressed her big support to the work of RRIs. The coordinator of the CWI was asked by the Ramsar Secretariat before the COP to prepare a short video message of ambition to share, leading up to and during the COP, to help mobilize ambition and action to protect, manage and restore wetlands; the message was shared with meeting participants in the venue as well as used in social media and can be seen here. The CWI actively participated also in preparation and realization of related events before and during the COP.
Joint meeting of the Carpathian Wetland Initiative and DANUBEPARKS
Coalition of European Ramsar Regional Initiatives
Ramsar Convention acknowledging CWI Board members
The Carpathian Wetland Initiative has been involved in the Final Conference “Transnational cooperation for the sustainable future of the Carpathian region” of the Interreg CENTRAL EUROPE project Centralparks (Building management capacities of Carpathian protected areas for the integration and harmonization of biodiversity protection and local socio-economic development) in Wieliczka, Poland, 23 - 24 March 2022 . The CWI is taking part in Round Table “The significance of protected area networks for effective protected area management and nature-based sustainable development in the Carpathians and beyond” on 24 March 2022 between 10:45 and 12:45 and you can join us and follow the meeting via below link:
Join Zoom meeting:
At the same time, we encourage you to register here:
The follow-up document can be found here and some pictures from the event are here.
More info: click here [pdf].
We join the Statement of the Focal Points of the Carpathian Convention and reaffirm our solidarity and support to our Ukrainian colleagues, friends and the people of Ukraine in these difficult days and hope in peace and safety. We stand with you!
More info: click here [pdf].
CWI_Side Event_Conference Visegrad_30092021 [pdf]
20210907 Micro Catchments Macro Effects_H_Zingstra [pdf]
International Course on Wetland Restoration
More info: click here [doc].
Application form: click here [doc]
Report of the course: click here [pdf]
More info here:
Report on International Training Course Sustainable Agriculture in Wetlands
Carpathian Wetland Initiative CWI Training Trebon [pdf]
Principles of sustainable land use MEiseltova [pdf]
Role of wetlands and vegetation [pdf]
Plants suitable for cultivation [pdf]
The role of fishponds [pdf]
Fishponds in CZ and their management [pdf]
Vegetated drainage ditches and constructed wetlands [pdf]
Permakulturní farma [pdf]
Hungarian wetlands and their land use [pdf]
Sustainable wetlands and agriculture [pdf]
Csikvarsai_description [pdf]
Sustainable agriculture in wetlands [pdf]
Wetland and sustainable agriculture []pdf
Restoration of salt marshes [pdf]
How can a mouse help wetlands [pdf]
Grazing in Tataru [pdf]
Presentation Trebon [pdf]
Study materials
Greenhouse gas regulation [pdf]
Wetland book definitions [pdf]
Restoration of Lake Ecosystems [pdf]
Natural Climate Buffers Leaflet [pdf]
International course on sustainable agriculture in wetlands
Application form Wetlands 2019 [doc]
Info course 2019 CWI final [pdf]
Sustainable agriculture in wetlands programme [pdf]
The international exhibition and contest of posters on the themes
of nature conservation and environment
in Žilina, Slovakia.
For more information: click here [pdf]
Winners from previous years:
H2OurGlass - Scott Laserow [jpg]
Peace for environment - Marcin Urbanczyk [jpg]
Results [pdf]
CWI Prize-winning poster [jpg]
Erasmus Mundus Master in Ecohydrlogy ECOHYD 2016
For your information and the potential interest of your networks, please find attached a flyer describing the 2016-2018 Erasmus Mundus Master of Science in Ecohydrology, which closely interacts with the UNESCO Chair in
Ecohydrology: water for ecosystems and societies, established at the University of Algarve, Portugal.
Application deadlines are:
1st term: 15 July 2016
2nd term: 2 September 2016
For more information, please contact Professor Luis Chicharo and Ms Joanna Wlodarczyck (
Erasmus Mundus Master in Ecohydrlogy ECOHYD 2016 [pdf]
Wetlands in Agricultural Landscapes: Present State and Perspectives in Europe (Czech Republic, 11-16 October 2015)
To exchange of scientific knowledge and practical experience regarding wetlands, their state and role in agricultural landscapes of Europe.
Topics to be addressed:
Agricultural Pollution - Biodiversity - Conservation, Restoration and Creation of Wetlands - Legislation - Paludiculture - Waterand Climate
Poster submission is open until 31 August 2015
Registration is open until 30 September 20155
Information and registration:
Wetlands in Agricultural Landscapes [pdf]
Little Sydney: Protecting Nature in Europe
IUCN and the IUCN World Commission on Protected Areas (WCPA), in conjunction with the Austrian Federal Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, Environment and Water, and the Donau-Auen National Park, will organize a conference entitled “Little Sydney: Protecting Nature in Europe”. The conference will be held in Hainburg/Donau-Auen National Park, Austria from 28-31 May 2015.
“Little Sydney” builds on the outcomes of the recent major global event on protected areas: the IUCN World Parks Congress 2014 (WPC), held in Sydney in November 2014, and which resulted in the Promise of Sydney. Some 300 participants from all over Europe will gather and explore further the outcomes of the WPC Streams and Cross-Cutting Themes of particular relevance for Europe. Key WPC findings will be presented and discussed during plenary, and workshop sessions will be organised around four main themes: Reaching Conservation Goals, Supporting Human Life, Influencing Policy and Institutional Responses, and Partnerships, Governance, Capacity Development and Mobilisation of Resources. Both the plenary and workshop sessions will be designed to maximize the quality of outputs with a view to developing a road map for protected areas in Europe.
LittleSydney LEAFLET [pdf]
Themes and Workshop Sessions [pdf]
The final conference of the „ – balancing Alpine energy and nature“ project 20 – 21 May 2015 Sonthofen, Germany
Since the Alpine environment has a great potential in terms of use of renewable energy, it can acquire a great value in terms of contribution in the mitigation of the climate change.
Although this fact has an undeniable positive potential, it also means that the pressure on nature will likely increase: in that case, what will be the impact on flora and fauna? How the changes will affect land use and soil quality? What is the limit of renewable energy that can reasonably be used before a point of crisis?
The project „Recharge Green“gathers 16 partners in order to develop the strategies and tools necessary to get hold of the control of such issues. The crucial points in this process will be a full – scale analysis and comparison of costs / benefits of renewable energy, ecosystem services and potential trade – offs.
The project runs from October 2012 to June 2015 and is co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund in the Alpine Space Programme. The main audience of the Conference will be leaders and decision makers, administrations‘delegates, energy companies, NGOs and everyone who is interested in the results of a project that concerns the health of the natural environment, and therefore the well-being of the people. The project partners are also planning to invite interested people from the neighbouring mountain ranges.
Conference Wetlands in Agricultural Landscapes, České Budějovice ,Czech Republic, 11 – 16 October 2015
The conference is organized by the Ministry of the Environment of the Czech Republic in cooperation with the Crop Research Institute, Prague, the University of South Bohemia in České Budějovice and the Norwegian Environment Agency.
Aim: to provide a forum for the exchange of scientific knowledge and practical experience regarding wetlands, their state and role in the agriculturally-exploited landscapes of Europe.
Target groups: scientists, managers, agricultural policy makers and executive officials, involved in the conservation, restoration and management of wetlands occurring in areas with predominantly intensive agriculture.
read more [pdf]
Non-forest habitats of the Carpathians [pdf]
Workshop on alpine rivers in Slovakia
Town of Zvolen in Central Slovakia was a place where the Workshop on Alpine Rivers was organised on 3rd and 4th of September, 2014. The Workshop was part of the Natura 2000 new biogeographic process undertaken by EU member states. It was also an activity of the Carpathian Wetland Initiative in relation to the rivers in the Carpathian mountain range.
Over 40 experts on nature protection and water management altogether from eight countries participated, including a representative of the European Commission and Ramsar Convention Secretariat. Organisation of this workshop was agreed on the Natura 2000 seminar in Graz (November 2013) where EU member states suggested to organize regular working meetings on issues which crucially influence favourable conservation status of alpine water habitats of community interest and connected species.
First day of the workshop was spent outdoors on two parallel excursions (to the River Hron and River Slatina and surrounding protected areas). The second day was divided in three blocks, each followed by a discussion. Within the first block there was a presentation on EU legal and strategic framework in nature and water protection, including reporting and interpretation guidance (a document on water energy use and Natura 2000 is currently under preparation), a presentation on activities of the Carpathian Wetland Initiative and on strategic tools for sustainable use of water energy.
The second block has brought case studies on application of the environmental assessment for river continuum while the third block was aimed at revitalization of the rivers.
More information:
Workshop programme
List of participants
Information on new biogeographic process
The 13th year of triennial EKOPLAGÁT '14 - The international exhibition and contest of posters on nature conservation and environment theme in Žilina / Slovakia
State Nature Conservancy of the Slovak Republic
Malá Fatra National Park Administration in Varín
Carpathian Wetland Initiative
Under the auspices of: The Ministry of Environment of the Slovak Republic
In co-operation with: Považska Gallery of Art in Žilina
This event is financially supported by Foundation Pontis Kia Motors Slovakia.
Exhibition: 30th October - 30th November 2014, Považska Art Gallery in Žilina
Deadline for sending the entries: 10th September 2014
The first international exhibition EKOPLAGÁT took place in the Považska Art Gallery in Žilina, Slovakia in 1978. It was the first regular international event of this kind in the world.
Every three years EKOPLAGÁT Žilina shows the public the latest trends in poster art aimed at topic of environment and nature protection. EKOPLAGÁT Žilina has its cultural, social and educational justification as an important international event increasing the public interest in conservation of diversity of life on Earth.
Participants: The competition will exhibit the work of professional designers, visual artists, art agencies, teams of authors, environmental organisations and institutions and of students of the art and design academies and Universities.
Registration Fee: None
Official languages: Slovak, English
The International Jury will award the following prizes:
Grand Prix Ekoplagát - Žilina 2014
1st Prize Ekoplagát - Žilina 2014
2nd Prize Ekoplagát - Žilina 2014
3rd Prize Ekoplagát - Žilina 2014.
Diplomas are part of the prize. The Honour Award of the Jury as well as the Awards of organisations interested can also be awarded.
The conditions for application for EKOPLAGÁT´ 2014 are described in Regulations and in Contest rules.
Note changes in the Covenant and Contest rules.
POSTER LABEL under Ekoplagát - EKOPLAGÁT ´14
THE REGULATIONS of Ekoplagát, ENTRY FORM and POSTER LABEL can be downloaded from "Ekoplagát - EKOPLAGÁT ´14 on the website
Správa Národného parku Malá Fatra
Hrnčiarska 197
013 03 Varín
tel: +421 (0) 415071413
fax: +421 (0) 41507 14 15
Contact points:
Ing. Miriam Balciarová
Mgr. Alena Badurová
Ing. Erika Kružliaková
Alpine Freshwater Habitats – River Revitalisation workshop
Dates: Wednesday, 3 September 2014 - Thursday, 4 September 2014 (Note that travel may be required on 2 and 5 September)
Location: Hotel Tennis, Zvolen, Slovakia
Ministry of the Environment of the Slovak Republic, the State Nature Conservancy of the Slovak Republic, the Water Research Institute and Slovak Water Enterprise, state enterprise
This event is organised to advance conclusions from the first Alpine Biogeographical Seminar, held in Graz (November 2013) and in conjunction with the 2014 Work Plan of the Carpathian Wetland Initiative (CWI). It provides an important opportunity to discuss ongoing activities of the European Commission and highly relevant activities of the Ramsar Convention (in the frame of the Carpathian Wetlands Initiative - the official regional initiative of the Ramsar Convention coordinated by the State Nature Conservancy of the Slovak Republic) and other regional conventions (Danube River Protection Convention, Carpathian Convention).
The purpose of the workshop is to increase awareness and to stimulate collaborative action to address the main threats and pressures to Alpine freshwater habitats. Such threats and pressures are also relevant for the countries beyond this biogeographic region and the borders of the EU. There will be discussion about application of the EU guidance on “hydropower plants and Natura 2000”, implementation of EU Directives (Water framework, Birds & Habitats Directives), comparison of reporting duties and results, and sharing of experience within the biogeographic region and between the EU and non-EU countries participating.
Workshop Content
Alpine freshwater habitats
• Main threats and pressures influencing their favourable conservation status
• Restoration potential and possibilities
• Relevant policy context and guidance – for example, management responsibilities in implementing the Water Framework and Nature Directives, draft guidance on hydropower plants and other barriers effecting the river continuum, gravel excavation, river modification, etc.
Target Audience
This networking event is aimed at experts from EU member states from the Alpine biogeographical region, as well as other Carpathian states – both EU and non-EU, the European Commission and cooperating institutions (such as ECNC, ICDPR, Ramsar Convention and Carpathian Convention). A maximum of 60 participants are expected (from 16 Member States, neighbouring Carpathian states, expert NGO organisations and the above mentioned institutions).
Expected results
The main aim of the workshop will be to promote collaborative action at the Alpine biogeographical level and the Carpathian region level, in order to help achieve favourable conservation status for river habitats and species, and to share good examples and best practices.
CWI Board Meeting
All CWI national focal points and partners will be invited to participate in the workshop, as well as in the meeting of the CWI Board members planned for the evening of 4th September 2014. This meeting will provide the opportunity to discuss follow up and future activities to be planned for 2015, as well as presentation of the CWI at related forthcoming events.
There are 2 parallel excursions planned. For both, transport by bus will be organized and guided tour provided, both for nature and water management issues.
Delegates are encouraged to register their interest to attend this workshop as soon as possible. Also, should you wish to contribute a case study or present a relevant project during the programme, please let us know and provide some summary details.
In all cases, the deadline for registration is 18 July 2014.
Registration is via email to:
For further information on the workshop, the programme and costs, please download the Workshop Information (pdf)
The Carpathian Wetland Centre is opened
An official opening ceremony of the Carpathian Wetland Centre took place in Banská Bystrica, Slovakia on Wednesday the 4th of June 2014.
The Centre was established in the renovated historical building belonging to the State Nature Conservancy of the Slovak Republic, which safeguards functioning of the Carpathian Wetland Initiative (CWI).
Representatives of donors as well as CWI’s members and supporters were present. Among them Mr Tobias Salathé ( Ramsar Secretariat Senior Adviser for Europe), Ms Adriana Kušíková (Ministry of Environment of Slovak Republic), Ms Libuše Vlasáková ( Ministry of Environment of the Czech Republic) , Ms Svetlana Ivanová (State Nature Conservancy of Slovak Republic), Mr Florentin We and Mr Lajos Szaboó (Swiss Embassy), Mr Ivan Ivančin (Government Office of the Slovak Republic) and Mr Rybár and Ms Kušniráková (Slovak Watermanagement Enterprise).
Newly established Centre should provide information on wetlands in the Carpathians, their role in water cycle and landscape, information on protection and sustainable use of wetlands in the Carpathians as well as ongoing wetland projects.
Ján Kadlečík, Head of the Department of International treaties at State Nature Conservancy of Slovak Republic in Banská Bystrica, coordinator of the Carpathian Wetland Initiative:"The Centre was established with the idea of organising trainings and education activities for expert as well as laic public, young people and children. It is information – promotion centre, which will be preparing educational programmes and materials."
Establishment of the Centre was possible thanks to financial contributions of Ramsar Secretariat, ERDF Operational Programme Environment and Swiss-Slovak Cooperation Programme.
The World of Carpathian and Danube Wetlands Training, 23rd and 24th May 2013 Bratislava, Slovakia
The Carpathians are Europe’s largest mountain range, a reservoir of biodiversity and a water tower of the region. Its waters flow to Black and Baltic See via four large river catchments, the Danube among them. The Carpathians and the Danube harbour a rich and important variety of wetland ecosystem types. Their conservation is often in conflict with other human interests. Therefore the awareness and attitude of people living in their neighbourhood is crucial for their maintenance.
Read more:
The World of Carpathian_ Invitation [pdf]
The World of Carpathian_ List of participants [pdf]
The World of Carpathian_ Programme [pdf]
Second Conference of the Carpathian Network of Protected Areas CNPA Tatranská Javorina, Slovakia, 23-26 April 2013
Side Event 4 – “Integrated wetland management in protected areas in the Carpathians” Participants with members of the CWI Board and observers consulted CWI work during last year (including activities within the BioREGIO project), discussed the role, ambitions and objectives of the Ramsar regional initiatives in 2013-2015 and the CWI priorities and challenges for 2014.
Read more:
Second Conference of the Carpathian Network of Protected Areas CNPA[pdf]
Minutes of the meeting of the Carpathian Wetland Initiative 6th July 2012, Palace of the Parliament, Bucharest, Romania
The meeting was held back to back to the European Ramsar Meeting, prior to the opening ceremony of the 11th Meeting of the Conference of Contracting Parties to the Ramsar Convention (COP11) inside the COP11 venue, N. Iorga Hall, Palace of the Parliament in Bucharest, Romania.
Read more:
Minutes of the meeting of the Carpathian Wetland Initiative 6th July 2012 [pdf]
Wetlands for the future, 19-21 May 2011, Banská Bystrica, Slovakia
19th-21st May 2011, Banská Bystrica, Slovakia Cartpathian Wetland Initiative organises a conference to reflect upon the significant milestones in wetland conservation at international, regional and national level, to discuss the methodological approaches in wetland inventory and in wetland protected areas management planning and to exchange experiences in these fields with other countries.
Read more:
Wetland for the future [pdf]
Presentations [rar]
Alpine-Carpathian Exchange Meeting about Ecological Networks, 20-23 Sept 2010, Mikulov, Czech Republic
The French presidency and the former German presidency of the Alpine Convention proposed an exchange meeting in order to reinforce cooperation in the field of ecological connectivity between the Alps and the Carpathians. The meeting was held from 20th to 23rd September 2010 at Mikulov, Czech Republic.
The topic discussed was ecological networks, connectivity and landscape planning with regards to practical experience gained from landscape ecostabilisation components planning and effective ecological network creation in order to enable sustainable land use while being barrier-free to allow for plant and animal migration.
There is a huge emphasis on landscape connectivity, ecological networks, and ecological continuum in the Alps. Cross-border cooperation is needed in order to keep it that way and develop the same approach in the Carpathians.
The participants gained an overview of ongoing projects in Alpine and Carpathian countries and an incentive was given to create a similar platform for ecological networks in the Carpathians.
Further cooperation between the Alps and the Carpathians will be also developed through a common project based on priorities that were outlined
Read more:
First Forum Carpaticum, 15-17 Sept 2010, Krakow, Poland
The Science for the Carpathians (S4C) organized an international conference 1st Forum Carpaticum in Kraków, Poland on 15th -17th September 2010. The main topic of the conference was „ Towards Sustainability through Nature and Society Integration“. The participants were scientists, specialists, policy- and decision-makers working on, or interested in the sustainable development of the Carpathian region. The conference was aimed at a broad spectrum of scientific disciplines from natural and social sciences, as well as practical knowledge in order to integrate different fields of expertise to generate value for the Carpathian mountain region.
It was agreed that there is a weak cooperation within Carpathians in this regard, which shows also at sub-regional level (e.g. trilateral Biosphere Reserve East Carpathians).
Coordinator of CWI presented a CWI poster and some participants expressed an interest in further communication and cooperation. There were presentations that discussed water and wetland ecosystems and these could be used in further work, including methodology approaches.
Next Forum Carpaticum will be organized by the Institute of Applied Ecology, Slovak Academy of Sciences, Nitra. It will be held in Stará Lesná, Slovakia at the end of May and beginning of June 2012.
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Carpathian Convention Working Group on Sustainable Tourism, 9-10 Sept 2010, Rytro, Poland
The 3rd Meeting of the Carpathian Convention Working Group on Sustainable Tourism (CC WGST) took place in Rytro, Poland on 9th and 10th September 2010. The meeting was held in connection to the national conference „Support of the Sustainable Development of the Carpathians through Environmentally Friendly Tourism“. It was organized by Interim Secretariat of the Carpathian Convention and UNWTO – Consulting Unit on Tourism and Biodiversity. It focused on further work on the CC Draft Protocol on Tourism and the proposal for the Strategy for Future Tourism Development in the Carpathians.
Read more:
3rd Meeting of the Carpathian Convention Working Group on Sustainable Tourism [pdf]
„WETLANDS AND TOURISM“ WORKSHOP , 8th September 2010, Rytro, Poland
The workshop was organised by the Carpathian Wetland Initiative (CWI) in accordance to the 2010 work plan and as a response to the outcomes of the Conservation of Wetlands in the Carpathians Conference held in November 2009 in Tatranská Štrba, Slovakia.
The aim of the workshop was to discuss sustainable tourism in wetland areas in the mountains, especially the Carpathians, and conservation of wetlands in tourism development in the mountains. The discussions were held in the perspective of the following 3rd Meeting of the Carpathian Convention Working Group on Sustainable Tourism, of which the Carpathian Convention Draft Protocol on Sustainable Tourism and the Strategy for the future sustainable tourism in the Carpathians were the main topics.
Read more:
REPORT „WETLANDS AND TOURISM“ WORKSHOP 8th September 2010, Rytro, Poland [pdf]
Sustainable Tourism Not Only in Mountain Wetland Areas [pdf]
The Importance of A Tourism Protocol and Strategy for The Carpathians [pdf]
European Charter For Sustainable Tourism and Wetlands [pdf]
Carpathian Wetland Initiative and Wetlands and tourism workshop [pdf]
Conservation of Wetlands in the Carpathians, 16-19 Nov 2009, Tatranská Štrba, Slovakia
The conference was organised in the frame of the Carpathian Wetland Initiative (CWI) and UNDP/GEF Project “Conservation, Restoration and Wise Use of Rich Fens in the Slovak Republic”. The project is aimed at the conservation of Carpathian peatland biodiversity, with a focus on alkaline fens, a unique mire habitat. Project is implemented by DAPHNE – Institute of Applied Ecology in cooperation with the Ministry of Environment of the Slovak Republic. Partner of the project is the State Nature Conservancy of the Slovak Republic, which is coordinating the Carpathian Wetland Initiative (CWI) in the framework of the Ramsar Convention.
Evian Encounter, 15-17 Nov 2006, Evian, France
The key points for action agreed during the Evian Encounter are based on the outputs adopted by the CWI in Brezovica (Slovakia, 28-30 April), held as part of the Norwegian – Slovak project on a “Network of Carpathian protected areas and Ramsar sites.” Through these activities, the Carpathian Wetland Initiative aims to operate as a Regional Initiative within the framework of the Ramsar Convention, as stated Annex I of Resolution IX.7 (adopted in 2005).
Read more:
Results of the 6th Evian Encounter 15-17 November 2006, Evian, France [pdf]
Carpathian Wetland Initiative Workshop, Brezovica, Slovakia 28 – 30 April 2004
The French presidency and the former German presidency of the Alpine Convention proposed an exchange meeting in order to reinforce cooperation in the field of ecological connectivity between the Alps and the Carpathians. The meeting was held from 20th to 23rd September 2010 at Mikulov, Czech Republic.
The topic discussed was ecological networks, connectivity and landscape planning with regards to practical experience gained from landscape ecostabilisation components planning and effective ecological network creation in order to enable sustainable land use while being barrier-free to allow for plant and animal migration.